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NorNE – Norwegian Named Entities

NorNE (Norwegian Named Entities) is a text corpus composed of the same texts as the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT), but this version is in addition tagged with named entities. The corpus contains approximately 300,000 words of running text for Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk, respectively.

See the documentation file for a brief description of the corpus, formats and annotations. NorNE has been made in a collaboration between Schibsted Media Group, The National Library of Norway and the Language Technology Group at Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo.

NorNE (Norwegian Named Entities) is a text corpus composed of the same texts as the Norwegian Dependency Treebank (NDT), but this version is in addition tagged with named entities. The corpus contains approximately 300,000 words of running text for Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk, respectively.

See the documentation file for a brief description of the corpus, formats and annotations. NorNE has been made in a collaboration between Schibsted Media Group, The National Library of Norway and the Language Technology Group at Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo.

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