Norma   a Politicians's Love Story    1851

From Act I

But now I am tired of pursuing my craze
for established things, for established ways.
I’m dreaming - and oh how my dreams run deep!

ADALGISA (overwhelmed)
Then come to my bosom, you old black sheep!
(Touching embraces.
The curtain falls, for decency’s sake.)

Transl. by Bent Kvalvik.

In Bellini's opera "Norma" the Roman Severus has seduced Norma the priestess, she has borne him two sons, and the tragic climax of the action is reached when she learns of his relationship with the young Adalgisa. In Ibsen's paraphrase of this opera, the performers are Norwegian parliamentarians in disguise. Ariovist (Ole Gabriel Ueland), Normas father, praises the "precious old North" at the opening of the play, and is cheered by the druids (parliamentarians). Severus (Bredo Stabell) enters, trying to impress the druids, which only leads to their disappearance. Adalgisa (the Ruling Party) enters, accusing Severus of still loving his former girlfriend Norma (the Opposition), which he denies with a smirk. Norma (the Opposition) enters in a fury, wanting to destroy him, but Adalgisa saves him by turning him into a demigod (a Minister). And Norma (the Opposition) is able to withdraw respectfully.

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